Hanover Borough Council Actions and Announcements

The following are the highlights of the Borough Council’s February’s meeting held on February 26, 2025. Supporting documents on most items of Council business are available on the Borough website (www.HanoverBoroughPA.gov) under “Agenda and Minutes”.
HIRING PROBATIONARY FIREFIGHTERS: Approval was granted to hire Joshua R. Otis and Gregory R. Borys as probationary firefighters effective March 3, 2025. Mayor Whitman presented the Oaths of Office.
BELLVIEW STREET VACATION: Approval was granted for Ordinance No. 2379 to vacate a portion of Bellview Street.
CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: Approval was granted to create a certified hiring list for police officer(s).
SPECIAL EVENTS: Approval was granted for the following special events:
            Snack Town Spring Fling at Moul Field on Saturday, April 12, 2025
            Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 26, 2025
            Snack Town Street Fair on Saturday, July 12, 2025
            Snack Town Run Fest on Saturday, October 4, 2025
LIBRARY DONATION FUNDS PROCESS: Approval was granted for Resolution No. 1430 for the Friends of the Library donation funds process.
COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: Approval was granted to appoint William W. Reichart, Borough Council President / Ward 2 Council Member, and Barb Rupp, Ward 4 Council Member, to the Long Arm and Sheppard-Myers Reservoirs Master Site Development Plan Study Committee.
PENNSYLVANIA STATE ASSOCIATION OF BOROUGHS (PSAB) DELEGATES: Approval was granted to appoint Borough Manager Margaret Lewis as the Primary Delegate and Assistant Borough Manager Amy Adler as the Alternate Delegate for the PSAB Annual Conference.
EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE: Approval was granted to allow St. Bartholomew’s United Church (ELCA) to hold an Easter Sunrise Service at Long on Dam at 6:00AM, Sunday, April 20, 2025.
33 FREDERICK STREET SPONSORSHIPS: Approval was granted for sponsorships for development of the Public Administration Facility from Utz Quality Foods for $35,000 for the administrative area and from Brightspeed for $10,000 for two (2) digital kiosks in the lobby area.
SUMMER RECREATION PLAYGROUND PROGRAM: Approval was granted for the YMCA Summer Recreation Playground Program Proposal to be held at DeGuy Avenue Park, Elm Avenue Park, Moul Avenue Park, and Union Park.
KIWANIS CLUB DONATION: Approval was granted to accept the donation of a pavilion at Union Park by the Kiwanis Club.
FIELD USE AGREEMENTS: Approval was granted for the Bandits Baseball Club, Inc. to use the Myers Park Lower Field from March to November 2025.
JOINT MUNICIPAL BID AWARDS: Approval was granted to award bids for the following items:

  1. Pre-mixed Bituminous Concrete Paving Materials
  2. Chemicals
  3. Crushed Stone
  4. Petroleum Products
  5. Traffic Line Painting
  6. Snow and Ice Rock Salt and Calcium Chloride
  7. Street Milling
  8. Water Borne Pavement Markings
CHANGE ORDER FOR PRIMARY SLUDGE PUMP REPLACEMENT: Approval was granted for Change Order #1 for $1,814.11 for Meter Removal/Replacement for the primary sludge pump replacement at the wastewater treatment plant.
UNITED STEELWORKERS SIDE-LETTER AGREEMENT: Approval was granted for the United Steelworkers Side-Letter Agreement allowing incumbent employees with balances over the contract maximum to use their accrued time-off until the end of their employment.
BIOSOLIDS MANAGEMENT AND OVERSIGHT AND SUPPORT: Approval was granted for the 2025 agreement with Material Matters at a budgeted estimated cost of $37,000.
PUBLIC SAFETY CAPITAL PROJECT: Approval was granted for the use of a Single Prime Contract Model for the Public Safety Administration Facility at 44 Frederick Street and to authorize the solicitor and Borough staff to proceed with preparation and advertisement of Public Safety Facility Contract for competitive bidding, tentatively set to be released April 2025.
RECODIFICATION OF HANOVER BOROUGH CODE 360: Approval was granted for a contract with General Code for recodification and legal review in the amount of $14,000 (budgeted).
SUSQUEHANNA OUTFITTERS: Approval was granted for a five (5) year licensing agreement for kayak/canoe/paddleboard concession at Long Arm Dam.
CHANGE ORDER UPDATES: Approval was granted to ratify the following change orders for 33 Frederick Street:
  1. Change Order #17 for $10,268.00 to reconfigure electric door access system (emergency egress)
  2. Change Order #20 for $567.00 to reconfigure safety feature of stair treads (Stair C)
  3. Change Order #26 for $2,682.00 to connect exterior lighting to automated clock system
  4. Change Order #29 for $995.00 to relocate power and data for Building Automation Panel to Room 032
  5. Change Order #32 for ($1,232.00) as a credit for removal of sanitary clean outs in Rooms 029 and 030
  6. Change Order #33 for (5,555.00) as a credit for reconfiguring exterior lower metal panel finish detail
  7. Change Order #39 for (5,106.00) as a credit for removal of rolled plan storage system from Room 011
FIRE PENSION PLAN: Approval was granted for an ordinance amendment to align with benefits under the collective bargaining agreement.
Council & Mayor Meet & Greet                     Monday, March 3, 2025 at 4PM & 6PM
*Governance & Policy Committee                 Monday, March 3, 2025 at 7:00PM
*Enhancement Committee                              Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 6:30PM
*Water & Sewer Committee                           Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 7:00PM
Finance/Personnel Committee                        Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 7:00 PM
Hanover Borough Council                              Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 7:00 PM
* Committee Meetings will be cancelled if there is no business. Please advise the Borough Secretary if you will be unable to attend any meetings.   
The Borough of Hanover, York County, Pennsylvania, was incorporated in 1815. The Borough serves the public through stewardship, government, development and improvements of public assets including water/sewer/stormwater & refuse utilities, parks & recreation facilities, the Hanover Market House, the Guthrie Memorial Library, as well as Code Enforcement, Police & Fire Departments. It is governed by the Borough Council, overseen by the Borough Manager, and staffed by administrative, public service, public works, sewer, water, refuse and engineering professionals. Known as the Snack Food Capital of the World, Hanover is home, not only to numerous food industries, but also to manufacturing, technology, commercial sales, and services. Hanover Borough offices, located at 44 Frederick Street, can be reached at 717-637-3877 or by email at Info@HanoverBoroughPA.gov. More information is available at www.HanoverBoroughPA.gov.